We, humans, are chemistry. And those same chemical reactions that pushed us towards the sexual frenzy during the first years of a romantic relationship are also responsible for the sexual drop that relationships suffer after a while. Our brain gets used to it. The stimuli that previously unleashed so many hormones, now hardly provoke any physiological reaction. We disconnect ourselves, and the relationship suffers because sexuality is a fundamental component of it. Although this process is inevitable, it can be minimized by following these suggestions.
Keep filtering
Remember what attracted you to the other person in the first place. Time changes the relationship. It matures positively in many ways, but it also loses some of the things that made them unique at the beginning. For this reason, we must maintain the rituals that were done at the beginning of the relationship. Somewhat like when you were just lovers avoiding to be labeled. Try an approach, first friendly and sensual, so that it later leads to sexual. Also, do not forget the filtering. Sexuality involves much more than what happens inside a bed. It is also our way of walking, speaking, or looking at other people. To use our body and mind to seduce. Couples with sex maintain a certain degree of sensuality out of bed: they touch, kiss, send messages. Sexuality is vast and goes further beyond intercourse.
Update fantasies and wishes
Relationships change because we change. Also, our tastes may change. In this case, sexologist recommends communication. It is essential to have an open attitude and be willing to try things and share fantasies. Still, you have to avoid being always the one who asks, while your partner is always accepting. It has to be a reciprocal behavior. After all, and according to the specialists: men often demand to have a threesome or have anal sex, while women are more likely to carry out the fantasies of others than their own. You can also try new things. Beyond the known limits of the missionary or iron monogamy, there is an infinite universe of sexual practices, toys as 성인용품사이트 and philosophies yet to be discovered. Exploring them with your partner, with whom there is absolute trust, is not only even more exciting than exploring them alone.
Maintain independence
Those who have had a stable partner for a long time know that partial fusion process that their members experience. But keeping our autonomy, our idiosyncrasy, is essential so that the other person does not end up getting bored with us. And this also includes sex. Caring for ourselves, pampering ourselves, masturbating, doing things for our pleasure, because that will increase our desire and benefit the other.